Wild vegetable food buffet style gathering/山菜料理と英語でコミュニケーション

The exchange event with which I communicate in English was held while tasting a dish with the wild vegetable gathered at Himi. 氷見で採れる山菜を使った料理を味わいながら、英語でコミュニケーションを行う交流イベントが、7月9日開催されました。 160709_OMAツアー山菜 (101)

State of the venue(イベントの様子)

Wild vegetable cuisine of Himi devised are all delicious participants were satisfied.


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Cuisine, was issued in the buffet.(料理は、バイキング形式で出されました。)

Rice ball using the ancient rice hayakawa district, well received by the participants, is now out of stock in no time at all.


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Straw crafts and ancient rice rice ball of turtle that carries the happiness 幸せを運ぶ亀の藁細工と古代米のおにぎり

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Wild vegetable cuisine(山菜料理)

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Wild vegetable cuisine(山菜料理)

 It was while it was said that the Star Festival was also close and the entertainment with which a participant makes a bamboo-leaf boat was also a meet-the-people session. It was the unusual plan with which you can communicate in English while tasting the dish of wild vegetable which is Himi’s natural favor. 七夕も近いということで、参加者が、笹舟を作るという余興も交流会の途中でありました。 氷見の自然の恵みである山菜料理を味わいながら、英語でコミュニケーションできるという珍しい企画でした。 160709_OMAツアー山菜 (117)

Toy bamboo-leaf boat making(笹舟づくり)

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Finished toy bamboo-leaf boat(出来あがった笹舟)

Omatour Toyama and is, I would like to activate the woodlands of Himi in the future. Everyone Come cheer thank you.

Omatour Toyamaさんとは、今後も氷見の里山を活性化させていきたいと思っています。 皆さま是非応援よろしくお願いします。


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